Welcome - Here you will find my reflections on matters of the spirit & heart pourings on what moves me the most.
Have a scroll and see what intrigues your curiosity. Two podcasts below with more to come.
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KIND Matters is back! This podcast is brought to you with compassion, as compassion is what I am left with after navigating the last couple of weeks between resistance and flow. Join me for episode 2 to explore what these two spaces represent and how we can recognise resistance, take back our powe...
Welcome friends, this podcast has been born out of an excitement to share more with you, a spark of desire swelling into a wave of action: a couple of days later, here we are! My love, my heart, to yours and your journey. In this episode, I’m sharing on the kind matter of healing. It’s salted wit...
KIND Love Letters From Me To You
From time to time, get a dose KIND musings, reflections, practices and heart to heart offers.