Podcast Episode 02 - Resistance and flow
Jun 06, 2019KIND Matters is back! This podcast is brought to you with compassion, as compassion is what I am left with after navigating the last couple of weeks between resistance and flow. Join me for episode 2 to explore what these two spaces represent and how we can recognise resistance, take back our power and spiral up into our natural place of flow. As always, with heaps of love and honesty from me to you.
WomanCode by Alisa Vitti - The book on hormones, periods, fertility, menopause and all things woman!
AYA - Heal Me Now by my band AYA at the start and end of the show
I love hearing from you! Feel free to get in touch, all feedback welcome. If there are any topics you wish me to feature, let me know!
Countless Blessings,
Jayna x
Please tell me a little about yourself in my survey!
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