
Welcome - Here you will find my reflections on matters of the spirit & heart pourings on what moves me the most.

Have a scroll and see what intrigues your curiosity. Two podcasts below with more to come.

Feel free to share the care.


A love song to loneliness

As the ultimate love heart antidote, this letter is a love song to loneliness.

The Journey Towards Hormonal Balance

I found out I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) around 6 years ago through an ultrasound scan that my doctor recommended.

Miscarriage & Motherhood

The fragility of carrying life and losing these precious seeds of creation has always been a part of my story.

All Posts

Oil of the day - Home essentials Feb 17, 2020

The Essentials Kit includes all the foundational oils that are super powerful, aimed to meet 90% of your daily health care needs, the emotional scope is fantastic too. The kit includes the oils below plus a free diffuser. Ordering a kit also means the enrolment fee is waved. 

Here is the info

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Oil of the day - Peace Feb 16, 2020

What a perfect oil choice for a Sunday - Peace!

Peace is a blend that I actually got gifted to me by someone from this KIND community.  I fell for it fast! It has such a soft and anchoring presence. Perfect for use on travels, in emotional times or during transitions.

Peace is always in my handbag...

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Oil of the day - Wild Orange Feb 14, 2020

I’ve recently re-infused Wild Orange into my cacao practice and ceremonies bringing a bright sun filled abundant energy to January. Just one drop can plug you back into the love. It's one of the most affordable oils (which I love as it’s one of my favourites) and a great place to start your oil jo...

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Oil of the day - Immune support Feb 12, 2020

Rain, sun, cold nights, warmer days, fluctuations in temperature and with the beauty, weather also brings in infectious bugs and colds. 

From my experience, it pays off to strengthen your immune system and take care of yourself, it's all about preventative health! 

Introducing On Guard - a blend of ...

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Working with Doterra Feb 11, 2020

This was my Oh my God moment: 

 My first contact with this brand of essential oils was during the summer of 2018 on a KIND retreat. It was Sunday, I woke up with uncomfortable menstrual cramps and with a full day of holding space ahead, I was feeling pretty bleak. Holly of Lavende...

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Oil Of The Day - Sleep Support Feb 11, 2020

In support of my free webinar on Monday and for those of you in need of some plant love and goodness I will be featuring a series of short but oh so sweet blog posts with a brief snippet of information on my oil of the day. Today I introduce my top oils for sleep support.

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KIND Love Letters From Me To You

From time to time, get a dose KIND musings, reflections, practices and heart to heart offers.