Contributing To Change
Jun 09, 2020Another week rolls in, I have been, as I am sure you have, deep in the process of absorbing, feeling, listening and watching the ways that black indigenous people of colour (BIPOC) and anti-racist educators have been sharing their truth. I’ve been quietening to be more sensitive, to understand I will never understand and still stand.

There is no clear answer or tick box to check, in the world becoming more aware, one week of heightened media will (I fear) not change that much. But I do feel it has been one massive wake up call and catalyst for change that could potentially change everything.
I am in the baby steps of uncovering my unconscious bias and I am absolutely no authority on the matter, what I am being told, is the work starts now, the education starts now and it will be a long and ongoing process, that might never be over, but together we can contribute to the rising tide against white supremacy and systemic racism.

Below are some links @evihefue sent me this yesterday:
Anti Racism Resources: This is an extensive list you can dig into in your own time - there are also great links for parenting and kids which I know has been on some of your minds
Yoga teacher StretchBreatheSmile has also added another list to her website - maybe more of us in wellness should do this?
Lastly here are a number of Podcasts about the Black British experience of race in the UK so you can hear more stories from BIPOC voices

I have also realised the fact I am going through the Me and White Supremacy workbook with a small group is elitism in itself. ‘A small group that is further ahead than you!’ (not my intention! Learning so much about what I am doing wrong every time I post)
So.. We are opening up our book circle to anyone that wants to do this work with us. To be fully in the process and not rush through it, we will be meeting every 1 or two weeks (TBC) on zoom for a group call, with break out smaller groups for sharing. We will have a book circle app to share in during the process which will open at the end of this week.
Another note to say that diversity to our circle would be appreciated. BIPOC as well as people from LGBTQ communities interested in doing this work please join us, this would make for less blinkered sharing groups and better community.
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