Winter Wellness
Feb 07, 2020This winter it seems everyone has come down with the flu! With Imbolic, the half way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, passing this week we are into the last weeks of winter so here are my reminders to stay well:

1) At first signs of dis-ease, echinacea and vitamin C, I use a multivitamin called Wellness as well as echinacea liquid form but whatever works for you.
2) Nutrition! I can feel the effects that sugar, caffeine and processed foods have on my immune system. When we are strong and healthy perhaps we can handle it, but when your body is working hard to bring it's self back into balance be kind to yourself.
There is nothing like home cooked food, with lots of spice, seasonal dark leafy greens, root veg, protein and goodness as a natural cold remedy to get you back on track.

3) Warm food, not cold foods (sounds obvious right!)
4) SLEEEEPPP!!! As much as you possibly can, clear the diary, delay your morning routine and get those hours in. Sleep is the best healer.
Create a good environment for maximum sleep quality, stay away from screens an hour before bed, shut the curtains, listening to a Yoga Nidra mediation is a great way to send you off on a positive note (you can find heaps on youtube or Insight Timer). George swears by ... for insomnia, not my thing but might work for you.

5) Master Tonic! (I think I shared this last year already, but I am one for natural remedies so here it is again!) The most powerful way to prevent the common cold that I know of! Take a shot first thing or before bed, mix with hot water and honey for taste.
There are loads of home remedy recipes out there if the link above doesn't do it for you. I'd suggest making it now as it's best to let it sit for 4 weeks. When you need it, it's so great when it's right there.
6) Reduce stress, stress is perhaps the worst thing for our health. As the dark season draws in, how can you create yourself space to turn inwards? trust in divine timing and move slowly where possible?
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