How angels are born
Dec 10, 2019
This is what my heart knows, that unseen energy, soul, spirit, light, grace, positive force exist. How easy it is to turn one’s back, push it away under the carpet, this unexplained mystery of life experience that keeps knocking on our door.
I am not religious and the quest for solid defined answers is of little interest to me. I offer words that resonate with me at this moment in the hope they spark a light, something in you.

It was during this recent retreat that I realised how Angels are born, it hit me with such an obvious knowledge. It was about 2.00 am in the morning, we had been singing and dancing for the past 3 hours.
We were working in a mandala-like circle repeating simple, gentle movements of devotion in rhythm with instruments and a collective song voice. A tangible current of similar intention was formed, I felt so humbled and honoured to be a cog in this wheel of devotion.
I felt an activation though my back body, from my feet, up the back of my legs, my spin spreading up and out, it connected to the current of energy in the centre and I felt it combine with the co-created whole, this energy shot up into the sky and out into the universe. I knew this was a prayer, a bubble of light, that an angel was born and it would go to where it was needed, to places of darkness that need healing.This was the work we were doing.
This is the work we can all do, this is the work we all do every time we offer a positive vibration into the world, through our actions, our creations, our thoughts, words, voice, devotions. When we gather together with similar intention the offering gains momentum and power.
At this moment I choose to have faith in following the heart, trusting the innate wisdom of the bodies knowing, the inner guidance of the deepest waters of our intuitions and that when we share what we find there, we begin to weave a co-created web of luminous hope.
I am aware I would have been burnt at the stake, not even a few hundred years ago for sharing this insight, it genuinely feels thrilling to let it all out.

We all have this power, to create positive change. The best way I know to do it is through joy, love, kindness, community, faith, simple acts and commitment of fearless dedication to the light. This is a form of activism.
So with this, I sincerely commit myself to the cause! We are worthy of believing in this and if you want to join me, you are oh so very welcome. Free offerings through my Instagram, my weekly mail out, KIND Online, our Golden Gang WhatsApp group or to go deeper join me in KIND community at any event or retreat this 2020. In whichever way you are welcome to this growing tribe of light!
I will leave you with this incredible poem shared with me by my fellow KIND sister @evihefiu which perfectly resonates with my thoughts above and in this weeks blog post.
May this week of gratitude be a potent seed that keeps growing and expanding for many weeks and months to come. May we remember how much goodness actually surrounds us and flows through us! May we remember how much kindness and opportunity is available in every simple breath.
Yes, even in the midst of chaos and pain, we can learn to NOT FORGET what is good and abundant. Let’s honour both. Because both are here.
Here is a tribute to all that is good. See how much you can actually FEEL IT, receive it and breathe it in right now, as you read these words!
“Right now there are Tibetan Buddhist monks in a temple in the Himalayas endlessly reciting mantras for the cessation of your suffering and for the flourishing of your happiness.
Someone you haven’t met yet is already dreaming of adoring you.
Someone is writing a book that you will read in the next two years that will change how you look at life.
Nuns in the Alps are in endless vigil, praying for the Holy Spirit to alight the hearts of all of God’s children.
A farmer is looking at his organic crops and whispering, “nourish them.”
Someone wants to kiss you, to hold you, to make tea for you.
Someone is willing to lend you money, wants to know what your favourite food is, and treat you to a movie.
Someone in your orbit has something immensely valuable to give you — for free.
Something is being invented this year that will change how your generation lives, communicates, heals and passes on.
The next great song is being rehearsed.
Thousands of people are in yoga classes right now intentionally sending light out from their heart chakras and wrapping it around the earth.
Millions of children are assuming that everything is amazing and will always be that way.
Someone is in profound pain, and a few months from now, they’ll be thriving like never before. From where they are, they just can’t see it.
Someone who is craving to be partnered, to be acknowledged, to arrive, will get precisely what they want — and even more. And because that gift will be so fantastical in it’s reach and sweetness, it will quite magically alter their memory of angsty longing and render it all “So worth the wait.”
Someone has recently cracked open their joyous, genuine nature because they did the hard work of hauling years of oppression off of their psyche — this luminous juju is floating in the ether, and is accessible to you.
Someone just this second wished for world peace, in earnest.
Some civil servant is making sure that you get your mail, and your garbage is picked up, that the trains are running on time, and that you are generally safe.
Someone is dedicating their days to protecting your civil liberties and clean drinking water.
Someone is regaining their sanity
Someone is genuinely forgiving the seemingly unforgivable.
Someone is curing the incurable.
You. Me. Some. One. Now.”
(by Danielle LaPorte via Mary Standing Otter)

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