Entering A New Year...
Dec 28, 2019
What feelings and thought patterns are coming with you into this new year?
I hope there is a spark of hope, (even if it is buried under a hangover right now!) somewhere inside you. That this year will be your year. That anything is possible with intention, focus, clarity and love. This spark is a desire for life and should be nurtured with utmost care.
I believe everyone has the right to be happy and free. That there is a path for happy, connected, authentic living in each of us.
I love the New Year as it brings me the opportunity of acknowledging the gifts of the year passed and also allows this sense of closure and reorientation towards my authenticity and truth for the year ahead.
There is no need for harsh resolutions, New Year New You superficial goals, please look deeper than that. Love your self more than that. Hone in to seek what truly brings you fulfilment. If you are going to commit to anything, let it be the small actions that take you there.
Do it from a place of knowing that you are enough, as you are, you are enough, if you never did anything else in your whole life you are enough.
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