What Is The Wheel of The Year?




About Jayna

The aspect I love most about my work is witnessing people unfold when they let go and allow their light to shine from the inside out.

Over the past 9 years I’ve held transformation practices for men & women through retreats, yoga, ceremony, one-to-one coaching and sound healings.

I am a deep believer that individual healing creates the collective consciousness necessary to elevate humanity and live in harmony with our planet.

I moved to Portugal from London, in 2019 with my partner, George, and I have recently become a mother to a beautiful baby girl, Rise, who is the tiny bump you can see in my courses!

I look forward to getting to know you. 


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This is a transition moment, a recognition that a new cycle is about to begin, a moment to pause, to look back and celebrate what we have actively achieved in the last six months, and envision the harvest to come. By marking the Solstices, we acknowledge this beautiful flowing symmetry that brings balance to the natural world and into our lives.

Glennie Kindred