Lammas Sound Journey
Realign your energy + work towards your goals and dreams.
1st August
60 min high quality recording PLUS free Ritual Companion eBook for creating your home ceremony.
Find gratitude, self love and clarity, ready for the Autumn Equinox.
A Ritual For Reflection, Gratitude, and Manifestation
Create sacred space at home, to reflect, give gratitude, and find stillness.
A healing Sound Journey to bring you into a deeply reflective space, to realign your energy and focus as you work towards manifesting your goals.
Includes bonus Ritual Companion eBook packed with ideas for your ceremony.
What is Lammas?
The ancient pagan harvest is here! A turning point in the summer as fields turn from green to golden, and the seeds of hope we planted at Spring come to fruition. Lammas is your opportunity to be in a space of gratitude, reflect on the fruits of your life, and take stock of what you want to cultivate for the season ahead.
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A Healing, Immersive Sound Journey
Creating ceremony through sound healing to honour Wheel of the Year is a practice which has evolved for me from my deep reverence of Mother Nature. I hope the journey will hold you in the sacred way it holds me each time!
This sonic experience includes my transmission of Light Language. Speaking to the soul rather than the mind, Light Language is a mystical form of communication that invites you deeper into presence and stillness, opening the heartspace to receive profound healing.
About the Sound Journey
- High-quality recording, mixed and mastered to a professional standard for your healing ritual.
- Use good quality headphones for a fully immersive experience.
- Allow yourself 60 mins uninterrupted.
- Create a safe, undisturbed space where you can lay down and stay warm.
- Lammas falls on 1st of August in the Northern Hemisphere
- Included with your sound recording is the Ritual Companion, a PDF booklet all about Lammas, with prompts and inspiration for your rituals at home.
- Once purchased it is your for life!
I am humbled and speechless and so full of love for this offering of magical connection. It was beautiful.
Thanks for this, it's so beautiful! I've been listening to it for the last few days, lying on the sofa, before bed, in the bath, setting intentions for this cycle ahead. It's been giving me the deepest sleeps. 🌙
I found the sound healing completely sublime, subtle, and profoundly moving. It was nourishing to the core and filled with light golden vibrations and feminine nurture. I felt soft and held and relaxed into a deep sense of calm and oceanic like golden light that healed deeply into my emotional body in my mind I was surrounded by white light and celestial beings. After the session, I felt more loving soft and feminine free to be more kind within and without and aligned with greater self-love.
I felt different sensations, and saw several images. Jayna's channelling of light language felt like a healing blanket. What she created is simply magic. The frequency of this entire sound healing was PURE and AUTHENTIC and just what I needed.
About Jayna
The aspect I love most about my work is witnessing people unfold when they let go and allow their light to shine from the inside out.
Over the past 13 years I’ve held transformation practices for men & women through retreats, yoga, ceremony, one-to-one coaching and sound healings.
I am a deep believer that individual healing creates the collective consciousness necessary to elevate humanity and live in harmony with our planet.
I moved to Portugal from London, in 2019 with my partner, George, and I have recently become a mother to a beautiful baby girl, Rise, who is the tiny bump you can see in my courses!
I look forward to getting to know you.
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