Winter Solstice Pause: A Morning to Reflect & Gather
A quiet moment to let the year settle and your heart breathe
Saturday December 21st - 10:30am (Portugal/UK Time)
What lessons from this year are asking to be seen, integrated, and carried forward?
Hello Loves,
Another big journey around the year we have been on!
Inviting you to take a moment and let the year settle, in this precious portal.
This is a small and simple gathering
to nurture, reflect,
and let your heart breathe.
For an hour, we will come together.
Bring a journal, a pen,
make a pot or cup of something warming and yummy.
Let’s light a candle,
and together—we Journey In.

The Winter Solstice, the year’s darkest day, is a powerful turning point—a moment to pause and honour the stillness before the light returns.
Amid the rush of Christmas and New Year, it’s easy to let this moment pass us by. But the Solstice offers a profound invitation: to process and reflect on what the year has stirred and begin integrating its lessons before the season sweeps us forward.
In this online gathering, we’ll create space for connection, reflection, and peace.
- Settle into the Portal: Ground your nervous system and connect to your heart.
- Reflect on the Year: Be led through reflective journal prompts.
- Integrate and Anchor: Close with a guided connecting meditation.

And honestly, my love,
Come as you are: in your PJs, slightly hungover, fresh in the middle of your day, or tag-teaming with your partner from your kids. Just carve it out and make this one hour happen for you!
I created this gathering because I know how much we all need this. This time of year gets particularly overwhelming, and it’s this type of regular checking-in and pausing that keeps us bubbling bright and, quite frankly, sane!
It’s going to be sweet, easy, and simple.
Hope you can make it.

Hi, I’m Jayna.
I hold space for people to go deep and expand wide in a calm, reflective way. I believe in radical, non-fluffy KINDness for every aspect of who you are and who you’re becoming.
Over the past 13 years, I’ve guided women through moments of transformation—helping them uncover their truth, rewrite their stories, and step into lives they’re proud of.
I created The KIND Experience because I believe in the power of sisterhood. When women are deeply supported and held, there’s nothing we can’t do.
There’s something profoundly magical about gathering as women—sharing stories, wisdom, and quiet reflection. In spaces like this, we reconnect to the rhythms of nature, to each other, and to the parts of ourselves that are often forgotten in the busyness of life.
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