Spiral with the Dark Feminine: Cacao & Trance Ceremony
Cacao + Trance Ceremony
What Could You Reveal by Diving into the Depths of the Dark Feminine?
Together, let’s slip through the veil to spiral deeper into the mysteries of the dark feminine. Connect with your inner witch, with guidance from Ceremonial Cacao, and your ancestors and spirit guides from beyond the veil.
KIND events are life changing
My simple, yet highly transformative practice is less about ‘teaching’ you things, and more about giving you the room to hear what the deepest part of self is calling for.
These retreats are a remembering of how to live in the spirit of love, joy, and kindness.. and the healing that takes place when we do.
Each KIND Retreat is unique, yet all will include community, a forgotten innocence, deep playfulness, dancing, and inspired conversations with strangers that feel like family.
I’ve been creating retreats since 2012, I have seen how the effects of them create the change needed, for humanity and our greater planet.
Movement, music, stillness and nature are the foundations of this work. And it is work, the work of you coming back to your truth, the inner work of allowing yourself space to breathe, pause, reflect and feel.
Let's Grow Together
We need to take care of ourselves, to nurture our spirit and take the time to answer our deepest questions.
Sense into my past offerings and testimonials below and sign up here to be the first to know about the next gathering.
What to expect
Ceremony and Ritual play a beautiful and powerful role in my work: KIND ceremonies are non-dogmatic or religious, these are simple times when we come together with intention, creating sacred space to allow our progress to be marked, our truth to be heard or our past to be released.
Ceremony is a way to celebrate and make sense of the complex experience of emotional lives. They can provide a place to receive and align in profound and subtle ways. All it takes is an open mind!
Ceremonial Cacao When drunk in a ceremonial setting, it is a beautiful tool for connection inwards and outwards. It is medicine for the spirit and soul known for its heart-opening properties, physically increasing circulation and blood flow through the heart. It helps in the natural production of bliss hormones such as phenethylamine and serotonin as well as being extremely high in antioxidants, magnesium and vitamin C.
Vinyasa and Restorative Yoga Asana Practice The active sessions will be a slow-flowing mindful practise that aims to activate the natural energy of life we have within us. The restorative sessions will simple offerings to relax deeper and more fully than we normally can. What a gift!
The level of the practice will be adjusted to meet the group needs, If we have a very diverse group, the morning active practice will be split into two groups with our Karma Yoga assistant teaching one group and Jayn teaching the other.
Sound and voice work opens our centres of communication as well as our hearts. Mantra, singing circles and vocal toning throughout the retreat will spiral us into resonance. Resonance is the base of all that exists, by consciously working with it we can unlock a deep state of peace and harmony with the world around us. Music is a healer, sound healings using gongs, alchemic crystal bowls, light language and precision will be freely offer.
Community The power of retreats lies in the group. We will co-create a sense of purpose, unity and care as a family, this is a rare gift that is so needed in this time of much singular, non-communal modern living. When we let down our defences we will see the light and beauty in each other, which will help us to remember it in ourselves. This sense of caring and being cared for is truly transformational, it helps remember the wisdom, joy, love, compassion and mystery that exists in all of us.
If you get the chance to experience her work then you will feel blessed, if the universe conspires to put you in her path at the exact right time you are ready for real surrender on your journey then your life will be forever changed.
Past Retreats
Awakening You
Portugal 2020
Women's Retreats
Since 2018
Root & Rise
Since 2017
Awakening You
A 4-day transformational retreat, to reconnect to what’s important and the last of this year’s sun rays before we move into winter.
Dive into the principles of Yoga, Bioenergetics, Ceremony and Sound Healing amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Monte Velho Retreat Centre in Southern Portugal.
This retreat is an opportunity to refocus and reconnect, to move towards being who you are, where you are. It is a chance to nurture the parts of you that have fallen dormant or have not yet been explored.
Together we will celebrate and honour our entry into Autumn through a deeper connection to Self and nature. Tap into your essence for new, free and authentic ways of living, from the inside out!
Who this retreat is for?
This retreat is ideal for anyone who is feeling the call. No previous experience is required in any of the above-described practices, as we will consciously guide you through each experience with all the support and instruction you need. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that given the intensity of body-oriented and therapeutic work that will be done, this retreat is not suited for those suffering from acute physical or mental illness.
A basic level of health and mobility is preferable for the more dynamic practices such as Vinyasa Yoga, so if you are injured, pregnant or recovering from a medical condition/illness please get in touch with Jayna or Sascha to see whether this retreat would be of service to you.
KIND’s work helped me to completely relax and open my heart. Just so lovely, warm high energy level. I felt held. Your guidance transformed me.
Women's retreat
Welcome to a new decade! Be The Light is an open invitation to centre yourself to the brightness of your heart. Unfold the layers that keep separateness alive and align instead to the wholeness of love.
A KIND Sacred Space for the soul to speak and be felt is waiting for you. Blocks will melt, clouds that fog the path will clear. Infuse your energy field with kindness at the deepest level.
This simple weekend is possibly the greatest gift you can give to yourself, Powerful in its softness, potent in its flow, Join this transformational journey in allowing yourself to truly Be The Light.
Held within a community of warm hearts, explore a variety of healing practices carefully lead and curated by Jayna. In the gaps enjoy log fires, comfy sofas, deep relaxation, inspiring connections with others, winter walks or a massage in the prayer room.
Who this retreat is for?
There is nothing more powerful than womxn coming together to simply be. As the circle forms a co-created remembering emerges, we see ourselves in each other, we feel supported as we support, a ripple of self-acceptance and self-love is the inevitable result of this type of inner work.
This weekend is a pocket of space for your inner being to take a moment and connect. We will work with the feminine energy as a power source and birthright. You are welcome, on your own, with your friends, as a mother, mother of a mother or sister, transgender or non-binary, if you identify with being a woman or womxn and want to explore this further you belong here.
A wild abandoned winged goddess lives inside us all. She is all things powerful and true, dark and light, she comes in many shapes, she seeks love above all else. Now is her time to fly free.
“Communal and caring”
I went to Kind yoga retreat September 2019. For me, it was life changing. I felt welcomed and connected there, I found my voice there, I felt ‘seen’ there. It was a profound and emotional experience for me, something I didn’t know existed. I set some goals for my life and after a year I had achieved them all. I felt I had an awakening at this retreat and my sensitivity and vulnerability was understood. I’d recommend anyone to dive in to the unknown with Kind ❤️
Root & Rise
Through movement, meditation and nature we will weave our way back into harmony with ourselves and the world around us by sending our energy down and up. This is a beautiful opportunity to gain new perspectives, be inspired and learn new ways to support your inner transformation. Whether you are seeking to reduce stress, take a break from a city-life, or simply be more kind to yourself, you are welcome to join this healing and nurturing experiential retreat.
Who this retreat is for?
This is soul work, it’s the space and time we all deserve in this busy world and you are welcome to join our KIND family.
If you join us, there will be deep conversations with lots of laughter and play, much rest and stillness, more than likely tears (as tears are sacred). You will find time alone, a remembered connection to your light and joy, through sensual explorations you can open your arms to life whilst grounding yourself solidly on this beloved earth. The elements around us will be our playground and source of inspiration.
If there are any questions whether this is a self indulgent endeavour, I can assure you it is not. It is only by filling our own cup that we can share with the world around us. Often a retreat can be more restful and invigorating than a holiday. There is also a tremendous benefit in choosing a UK based retreat as no energy or time is wasted on over-sea travel, you can easily arrive and settle into your journey straight away with a clean conscious and small carbon footprint.
Come join us in this calm, warm, open and DELICIOUS environment with all the magic and little surprises along the way. You are so very very welcome.
Your next retreat awaits
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