Relationship Check-Ins

A Workshop on Conscious Communication 

Transform your relationships through the power of conscious communication, deepen intimacy, and navigate challenges with love.

In this 90-minute workshop, you'll learn the art of Conscious Check-Ins – a powerful tool for cultivating deeper intimacy, understanding, and connection in your relationships. Communicate with presence, compassion, and clarity.

By the end of this workshop, you'll have gained practical skills to enhance all your relationships. You'll leave with a renewed sense of love, empathy, and confidence in your ability to create meaningful, authentic connections.

A sacred container for you to:


  • Discover the power of Conscious Check-Ins
  • Learn tools for authentic communication
  • Deepen empathy, vulnerability, and presence
  • Navigate challenges with grace and clarity
  • Create a safe space for healing and growth
  • Unlock the full potential of your relationships
  • Experience the joy of being truly seen and heard

Replay of the workshop is available and it's a very powerful one!

You will also receive a beautiful PDF guide to help you deepen your practice of Conscious Check-Ins.

Includes practical tips, reflection prompts, and a step-by-step guide to integrating these tools into your daily life.

Yours to keep and revisit anytime.

Seeking sisterly support, I found in Jayna a guide for my relationship struggles, work aspirations, and spiritual growth. Her nurturing presence was key to my healing.

Jayna's sacred container provided strength to process anger and frustrations healthily, significantly uplifting my personal relationships.

Jayna, a wise friend and older sister, guides with love, understanding, and non-judgment. Her warm, friendly, and accepting nature makes her space a haven of truth and nature.

About Jayna

The aspect I love most about my work is witnessing people unfold when they let go and allow their light to shine from the inside out.

Over the past 13 years I’ve held transformation practices for men & women through retreats, yoga, ceremony, one-to-one coaching and sound healings.

I am a deep believer that individual healing creates the collective consciousness necessary to elevate humanity and live in harmony with our planet.

I moved to Portugal from London, in 2019 with my partner, George, and I have recently become a mother to a beautiful baby girl, Rise, who is the tiny bump you can see in my courses!

I look forward to getting to know you. 


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